A Metaphor For Depression
On rainy days
All I want is to see clearly
Water droplets cling to my window screen
I can only make out
vague figures running across the street
And outlines of branches
reaching towards the heavens
Offering themselves to something
I cannot see
Sometimes even on sunny days
The rain stays
I look outwards
trying to piece together objects that should be familiar to me
When I feel like this
people tell me
I’m not acting like myself
Their certainty in this conviction
assures me
they know me better
than i could ever know myself
I want to ask them
How they are so sure
This is not me
Have they spent
Hours after dusk
cloaked in my thoughts?
Bathing in numbness?
Searching for answers
in the folds of my memories?
Have they considered that this is also me
A body floating away from a spirit
Someone who tries to shake the rain
from the crevices of the window screen
Only to end up
awaiting the sun’s rise
So she may see clearly again
from my previous blog posted on 07.22.21